bgcolor # Type Status Created By Changed Assigned Svr Pri Title Opis #cacae5 386 new active 2005 Mar anonymous 2005 Mar drh 5 4 "Show Milestones" does not show milestones generated by cvs rtag When browsing the source code of a project and clicking "Show Milestones" only milestones that were created with cvstrac show up. Milestones generated by "cvs rtag" do not. Additionally, when viewing the timeline with "Divide timeline by milestones" checked, again, only milestones entered manually into cvstrac show up in the pink boxes. It would be nice if the default behavior when "Divide timeline by milestones" is checked was to list the "cvs rtag" generated milestones without ever having to manually add a "Release" milestone in cvstrac. #cacae5 674 code active 2006 Dec anonymous 2017 Mar cpb 4 4 64 bit issues Hi guys, Thank you for this great software. I've installed it on a Debian/Etch system with sucess. It's working nearly fine in CGI mode with suExec module enabled. It seems that it is not possible to edit the tickets. I've tried with different users with full rights. When trying to edit the tickets, I get a server error with the following error logs in /var/log/apache2/error.log : index.cgi: line 2: 18143 Segmentation fault /usr/bin/cvstrac cgi /var/www/cvstrac server{linebreak} [Tue Dec 05 17:02:14 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.cgi, referer:{linebreak} I've tried to use the cvstrack server directly to see if it was CGI related. The result is not better. When in server mode and trying to edit a ticket, I receive an empty page ... Any help would be greatly appreciated because at the moment, the system is not functionnal. I can provide much more details if needed. I can provide a web access to the installation if needed. Thanks in advance, Didrik #cfe8bd 847 code active 2020 Jun anonymous 2020 Jun anonymous 4 3 96 INLAY Make me blades #cfe8bd 503 doc active 2005 Nov anonymous 2005 Nov drh 3 3 A Better "FormattingWikiPages" + 2 wiki bugs I have identified two outright bugs in cvstrac's wiki (probably already documented somewhere else; if not, someone on the cvstrac team should probably ticketize them and assign them to the right people): 1: If the entire link: statement will not fit on one line inside the wiki text editing box, the link command is ignored. 2: * followed by _ then some text then _ followed by * (and vice-versa) to make text both bold and italic don't work, despite everything else being nestable (e.g. *'s around a "quote:" block); the more interior of the two markups is simply interpreted as part of the "word" the exterior markup is affecting. A third issue (a misfeature) is that use of html and /html to insert arbitrary HTML code introduces a bogus, worse-than-useless linebreak, which makes the html wikicommand only usuable on large blocks of stuff, instead of inline in the middle of a sentence of whatever. That said, I was in the process of modifying my local copy of FormattingWikiPages to deal with problem no. 1 above, and just decided to overhaul the entire thing, as a way of giving back. There were several details in the editing hints at the bottom of the page when editing any wiki page, that were not in the FormattingWikiPages documents, at least one typo, inconsistent use of bold to highlight wiki markup commands, unclear phrasing in several places, and a number of other issues. So, here is my take on it, use any of it that you like. I did implement big "WARNING:" bits about bugs and other problems, that of course should come out of this version of the wikitext if you want to use it, and the issues get resolved by then. ;-) PS: If posting the wikitext into this ticket mangles it in some way, drop me a line and I'll e-mail you a copy. The preview I just did seems to indicate that cvstrack will render all the wiki commands even inside a ticket, so you can't see the wikisource. I should probably e-mail it. ***************************************************************************************** **Paragraphs** Use *one or more blank lines* to separate paragraphs. You can arbitrarily wrap text within a paragraph (or not bother to wrap it at all), _except_ that {quote:{link:}} commands cannot line wrap; see below for more details. **Indentation of Code** If the first line of a paragraph begins with a *tab* or with *two or more spaces*, then that whole paragraph is shown verbatim (that is, within
markup in HTML, including the constant-width font with all spacing and line breaks preserved) The formatting rules below _do not apply_ to verbatim paragraphs (other than {quote:}, as explained next). See "Lists", below, for how to indent without
 behavior.  **HTML**  You can insert arbitrary HTML into a wiki page, by surrounding the code to be inserted with  *{quote:""}* and *{quote:""}*.  Warning: Because text between {quote:"" and ""} is  interpreted as HTML, _even inside verbatim paragraphs_, if you need to use the string "{quote:<}html>" in sample code, you must wiki it as "{quote:{quote:}}", or your  sample code will be parsed and rendered instead of displayed as written.  This does not affect , nor other HTML or XML markup, just "{quote:}".  **Boldface and Italics**  Text contained between asterisks is rendered *bold.* If you use two or three asterisks in a row, instead of just one, the bold text is also shown at a larger point size. Text between underscores is rendered as an _italics._ All font style markers must start at the beginning of a word (a contiguous text string) and must finish at the end of a word within the same paragraph.  You cannot use both at once.  However, you can acheive the desired effect like so:{linebreak} {quote:Italicized bold text}{linebreak} but at the cost of a linebreak inserted before the text marked up this way.  **Lists**  If a line begins with the characters "*{quote:*:}*" followed by a space or tab, then that line becomes an item in a bullet list.  Similarly, if the line begins with "*N:*" (where N is any number including a multi-digit number, or 0) then the line becomes an item in an enumeration list. Enumeration items are automatically renumbered so the values of N do not need to be in ascending order.  Lines that begin with "*{quote:_:}*" are indented like a bullet list but do not display the bullet.  You can use this to indent without getting monospaced fonts and other behaviors of 
.  Make nested lists by adding colons.  For example, to make a second level bullet, begin the line with "*{quote:*::}*".  **Hyperlinks**  Links to other pages are created automatically whenever the *name of another wiki page* is mentioned in the text.  (See WikiPageNames.) If you want to put a CamelCase word in your text but you do not want it to become a hyperlink, enclose the name in "{quote: {quote: ...}}".   This auto-linking does not happen inside indented verbatim paragraphs.  Full *URLs* in the text, such as links to external sites, also automatically become links, but see below for special handling of image links.  Such auto-links are created for any URL beginning with "http:", "https:", "ftp:", or "mailto:", without having to use the {quote:{link:}} functionality documented below.   *Note:* If the URL ends with ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", or ".png" then the image that the URL points to is displayed inline on the wiki page.  You can also create an inline image using markup like this: "{quote: {image: URL}}". Using the {quote: {image:...}} markup allows the image URL to be relative.  This allows an image stored in an attachment to be displayed inline.  Text of the form "*#NNN*" where the "NNN" is a valid ticket number becomes a hyperlink to the ticket.  Text of the form "*[NNN]*" where "NNN" is a valid check-in or milestone number becomes a hyperlink to that check-in or milestone.  These hyperlinks only work if the user has permission to read tickets, check-ins, and/or milestones.  To create a hyperlink on arbitrary text, use "*{quote: {link: ...}}*" markup.  Any text of the form:  "{quote: {link: URL PHRASE}}" displays PHRASE as hyperlink to URL.  Example:{linebreak} {quote: {link: Google}} = {link: Google}{linebreak} The URL can be an absolute URL beginning with a prefix like "http:", or it can be a relative URL referring to another page within the same CVSTrac server.  For example, to create a link to a ticket report, one might write: "{quote: {link: rptview?rn=1 Active Tickets}}".  Warning: The {quote:{link:}} mechanism cannot handle long links. If the entire {quote:{link:}} command will not fit onto one line in the wiki editing text box, the link will get mangled. If this happens, use to create a shorter, redirect URL.  **Horizontal Lines**  A horizontal line (the 
markup of HTML) is generated whenever four or more "-" or "=" characters appear on a line by themselves:{linebreak} *{quote: ----}* **Other Markup Rules** The special markup "*{quote: {linebreak}}*" will be rendered as a line break or hard return. The content of "*{quote: {quote: ...}}*" markup is shown verbatim, including wiki commands, e.g.:{linebreak} {quote: {quote: {quote: ...}}} ---- #cacae5 175 new new 2003 Feb anonymous 2003 Feb drh 3 4 A second CVSTrac logs out the first one. I use CVSTrac for two projects. I usually have two browser tabs open, each showing the CVSTrac timeline for one of the projects. After I've logged in for the second CVSTrac, the a refresh on the first one goes to the login page. Logging in again for the first one causes the second one to be logged out. It would be nice if I could be logged in on both projects simultaneously (some cookie manipulation required?). #cfe8bd 265 new active 2003 Nov anonymous 2005 Dec drh 2 3 Accessibility support Can you add accessibility support to forms, please? Just add additional atributes to buttons and input fields, example: ... #e8e8bd 373 new active 2005 Feb anonymous 2005 Feb drh 2 2 Add ability to create templates for new tickets It would be helpful if we have the ability to reuse mutliple templates to open new tickets. Expected: 1: Should be able to save a template with default values set to different parameters. 2: Reuse these templates to open different types of tickets #e8e8bd 299 new active 2004 Mar anonymous 2004 Mar drh 3 2 Add enums for severity and priority The numeric constants (1-5) for severity and priority are a source of confusions for our users - other systems that we have are using different numbering systems. It will help if the "enum" table will be extended to allow the assignment of labels to those levels. There is no need to change the actual coding - the 1-5 level are more than enough. The enums should be edited by the 'setup' user, and should be used for ticket entry and editing. #cacae5 690 new active 2007 Apr chorlya 2007 May chorlya 4 4 Add option to hide deleted files in Browse When browsing repository via Browse (short and long view), there should be a link in action bar to show/hide files that are deleted in repository. This should default to "show all" and choice should probably be preserved via cookies. #e8e8bd 598 new active 2006 Apr anonymous 2006 Apr 5 2 Add pagination display function to browsing tickets I create many tickets, i want to browse these tickets on pagination display mode. Can you add pagination display function to browsing tickets? #f2dcdc 475 doc active 2005 Sep drh 2005 Sep drh 1 1 Add wysiwyg editing of wiki and tickets. See #cfe8bd 727 new active 2007 Oct anonymous 2007 Oct cpb 4 3 Adding Mercurial (hg) support Is it possible to add Mercurial (hg) support? I'm thinking on something called hgtrac working like gittrac (as both Git and Mercurial are distributed). #cfe8bd 741 new active 2008 Feb anonymous 2008 Feb cpb 4 3 Allow milestone wiki documentation We use milestones to mark planned releases of our developments and it would be usefull to have a separate simple text field for the milestone name and another wiki area where we can enter a description of the milestone purpose. #cacae5 243 new active 2003 Aug anonymous 2005 Aug drh 5 4 Allow more customization for the header and footer I've had a need to customize the header a bit more, keeping a company logo on the top bar, not above it. Attached to this report is a patch that allows slightly more customization. I think it would be valuable for general consumption, as I can imagine this a common need. #c8c8c8 302 new active 2004 Mar anonymous 2004 Mar drh 5 5 Allow queries to be embedded in other pages. It would be very useful to be able to add a tag to reports to include them in other pages. A combo box on the reports page could list destinations where the report could be embedded (ie: ticket page, milestone page, ticket edit page, home page, etc). By enabling select entries the user could embed the report in different pages. This could be used to provide a very simple mechanism to track dependancies. I have a report that lists all tickets that depend on a specified ticket (see attachment). By embedding this query in the ticket overview page I could follow a link to any dependent tickets. A similar report on the milestones page would allow all tickets that depend on a milestone to be listed. It might be useful to embed the "Ticket Counts" report on the main page. etc. One issue I don't know how to resolve would be passing the page identifier to the query. Each embedding location could define a key (or keys) it would make available to the query, but I don't know how it would be incorporated into the query. I assume something similar to the aux() mechanism that is currently used would work (I'm not much of an SQL guy). So a report embedded in the ticket page would have the ticket id supplied, and a report embedded in the timeline page would have the commit id supplied. #cfe8bd 718 todo active 2007 Sep anonymous 2007 Sep anonymous 3 3 Assistance with upgrade from 1.1.5 to 2.0.1 Morning, I am preparing to upgrade a cvstrac instance from 1.1.5 to 2.0.1 and im uncertain what the best path to success is. Ive got a testing instance going so i'm going to go and probably break it a few times but in the meantime I figured it wouldn't hurt to seek your input. Ive read the two docs at: I was attempting to compile the attachdump.c prog and failing miserably. Is this tool actually required? [root@crbt-cvstrac-test cvstrac-2.0.1]# gcc -g -O2 -o attachdump /usr/src/cvstrac-2.0.1/attachdump.c /tmp/ccVWOLh2.o(.text+0x288): In function `main': /usr/src/cvstrac-2.0.1/attachdump.c:127: undefined reference to `sqlite_open' /tmp/ccVWOLh2.o(.text+0x2b6):/usr/src/cvstrac-2.0.1/attachdump.c:133: undefined reference to `sqlite_exec' /tmp/ccVWOLh2.o(.text+0x2d2):/usr/src/cvstrac-2.0.1/attachdump.c:138: undefined reference to `sqlite_close' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Any suggestions you can offer would be appreciated. #cfe8bd 779 new active 2009 Jan anonymous 2009 Jan 4 3 Backup/restore : allow to define the destination file via fulle path This will be very useful as e.g. a backup may be required to be stored to a different file system than the one where the main file is. using a symlink for .bu file does not work (symlink is removed by the backup operation). #cacae5 263 event active 2003 Nov anonymous 2003 Nov drh 4 4 CGI problem with Opera browser I'm on a Linux system and use the latest Opera browser (version 7.21). I was trying to edit a page on the SQLite Wiki. When I clicked on "Preview Your Changes" I got the editing page back, not the preview. I tried the same thing on Mozilla. The preview worked fine. I submitted the edit and that worked fine too. Then, back in Opera, I went to the cvstrac wiki to create this ticket and had the same problem. Clicking on "Preview Your Changes" just brought the edit page back. Finally, I went back to Mozilla where I've been able to successfully create this ticket. #cfe8bd 591 new active 2006 Mar anonymous 2006 Mar drh 3 3 CVSTrac should support HTML headings HTML supports markup for headings (


, etc.), which basically anyone uses for structuring of non-trivial documents. CVSTrac does not appear to provide for a way to generate such headings. The most common WIKI syntax for headings I can find is that any paragraph which ends and starts with equal signs. Examples: = Hello = (will create


) == World = (will create


) == World === (same as above) #cfe8bd 748 new active 2008 Apr anonymous 2008 Apr cpb 4 3 Central Management is missing I am deploying this as a central project management interface at Frazer-Nash. Myself and another programmer are allocated to doing this. We also have a graphic designer (complete with high end Mac :-) who is allocated time to the project. We would like a central user and project management interface to handle multiple projects. I have knocked up a cgi script in perl to handle add/list/deleting of all the projects This is a dump of the (simple) interface (with the names changed to protect the guilty :-) ----

CVSTrac Project Admin

How to use this

Current Projects:

[radio button]One
[radio button]Two
[radio button]Three

[Delete Selected Project] (

Name: [text input][Add New Project] (

<Wiki Home ---- This page acts as a project add/delete page also you can go to the project via the link. This is obviously pathetically simple, but it means I can get a non-tech to manage this and let me get on with the tech stuff. There seems an obvious entry point to add just this in the / place which currently does a "page not found". Do you have any plans for doing something like this? ---- Also we would like to assign users to projects via a central interface . The problem is that users currently have differently set up accounts (particularly the username and password) on different projects, so they as coming back to me to try and fix this up. Any plans on this too? We have looked at engineering this ourselves and will be looking at it, but it seems either a large change to the C source or some pretty hacky SQLite stuff in perl/php. Please email if you need more because I would really like to get this working well for us. #f2dcdc 253 new active 2003 Sep anonymous 2007 Aug drh 1 1 Changing commit logs in the repository cvs admin -mrev:msg - Replace the log message of revision rev with msg. It would be nice to have the option of having the changes to commit logs in cvstrac propagate into the repository, using this command. #cacae5 254 new active 2003 Oct anonymous 2003 Oct 5 4 Class & file names that look like CamelCase In our java development project, we often have docs and commit logs that refer to classes & source files that look like CamelCase -- e.g. ChangeLog, HashCache, MailTransferAgent. I've found myself clicking on these links in the vain hope they would take me to the source file or class in question. I'm wondering if you could have the CamelCase link directly to the source file; right now I usually click the link, and then edit the page to have a link to the relevant source file, but I like to use the "Contents" page to surf around, and I dont like having clutter in there. #cfe8bd 753 new active 2008 Apr anonymous 2008 Jun cpb 2 3 Customizable workflow A simple work flow would be nice to have. Let's set up a state machine with the status and their out-transitions. new review,ignore review active,new ignore new active fixed fixed reopen,verified reopen fixed verified closed The first column is the status in CVSTrac, and the second column is their out-transition that shows the next status. For the first row, =new review,ignore=, it means the user can only set _new_ ticket to _review_ or _ignore_, the user can not directly fix the ticket without review. So, we may just utilize the status customization page to define the state machine. #cacae5 99 new active 2002 Aug anonymous 2002 Aug 4 4 Cvstrac home or index page not found when project is omitted Cvstrac displays this error page when no project is included in the request URL: ----- *Not Found* Page not found: / ----- We installed cvstrac as a CGI script in the admin directory of our web server. Cvstrac responds correctly to requests like /admin/cvstrac/project1 and /admin/cvstrac/project2. When passed the request /admin/cvstrac it displays the error page. I recommend that cvstrac respond with either an index of available projects or a static HTML page. #e8e8bd 313 doc active 2004 Apr anonymous 2004 Oct 2 2 Date shown in timeline is wrong When looking at timeline and chgview, cvstrac is off by a day, here's a sample check-in: Date: 2004-Apr-20 17:40:23 (local) 2004-Apr-20 21:40:23 (UTC) [snip] --- 2004/03/22 17:02:53 1.45 +++ 2004/04/21 21:40:23 Notice the 1 day difference between the date reported by chngview 2004-Apr-20 (UTC) and diff 2004/04/21, same problem shows in timeline, all dates are off by 1. I am pretty sure this is not a bug but something to do with our configuration, but can't figure out what and where to configure this. Thanks for any insight. #cacae5 771 doc active 2008 Nov anonymous 2008 Nov cpb 4 4 Description of quote in the formatting hints The description for the _quote_ markup says only "display _text_". From my point of view (as a non native english speaker) it seems like this markup is for quoting text and to display it in italic font. It would be good to have an additional comment that says that the part inside the quote will be shown literally without evaluating any other markup in the "quoted" text. #f2dcdc 294 doc active 2004 Mar anonymous 2004 Mar anonymous 1 1 Documentation on the CVS Repository CVSTRac doesnt recognize the CVS Repository even if you do a commit after an import. You must actually manually add each file like this cvs -d $CVSROOT add [file] then CVSTrac will display the CVS directory that this file resides in. #f2dcdc 747 event active 2008 Mar anonymous 2008 May cpb 1 1 Does cvstrac.exe work? How (step by step wiki)? The precompiled binary inside cvstrac-2.0.1-MinGW-20071107.7z just crashs (unhandled exception) with the command: cvstrac.exe cgi Does someone run cvstrac.exe as a CGI Apache (Windows build) program? #cacae5 797 new active 2009 May ono 2009 May ono 4 4 Download a tarball of source code (currently browsed folder) Subversion has a =svntar= tool, GIT has =git archive= command. Both of them can produce tarball of the source code on fly. The feature of tarball download is present in SVN or GIT browsers for ages, why don't we add it to CVSTrac !? #cacae5 255 new active 2003 Oct anonymous 2003 Oct 5 4 Dumping javadocs into Wiki It would be nice to have a tool to dump javadocs (and I know Python has a similar system which would also benefit) into so your commit comments and wiki pages can easily link to that documentation. I'm not sure whether it would be better to change the parser to treat java.lang.String (and perl::CPAN, and the python version, etc.) as equivalent to JavaLangString, or to just add a suffix to the class names, like StringDoc; obviously the first would allow the javadocs themselves to be parsable as a wiki. The first is unappealing because of its language-specificness and so on, but of course its more "handy" for the users. The second could be done in anyway -- all you really need is a tool that allows you to add an arbitrary file as an arbitrary wiki page, and let the user write his own script to put which file where. Test text... #e8e8bd 368 new active 2005 Jan anonymous 2007 Feb drh 2 2 Enable to set output encoding or use utf-8 by default I'm using cvstract for acces to the repository with various language mutations of processed texts. It is boring to set manualy utf-8 encoding in my browser for each page with source diff i want to review. It would be nice to have configuration option for output encoding #cfe8bd 300 new active 2004 Mar anonymous 2007 Aug drh 2 3 Enable web server authentication We are using cvstrac with many other application on a group portal. The portal is responsible for authenticaton and authorization. With the current setup, users have to "double-login" to access the cvstrac, under their own identity. It will help if cvstrac will include the following "Web Authentication" modes (using the REMOTE_USER environment variable). No password will be required for users: *: Everyone: accept any value of REMOTE_USER. If the user does not exists, automatically create the user entry. *: Selective: the REMOTE_USER must match an existing entry in users. #cacae5 488 new active 2005 Sep anonymous 2005 Sep cpb 4 4 Enhancing derivedfrom (and providing backward compatibility) Currently, we used derivedfrom to record external references as to where where a ticket was derived from (e.g. change request - CRxxx etc) as well as references to other tickets (1.1.4 didn't really state otherwise) . This functionality has now changed in 1.2 . Additionally, derivedfrom can currently only reference one other ticket. I am requesting comments on the suitability of the following changes for inclusion in CVStrac (I'll do the work - however, I don't want to have to maintain my own version and will just use an 'extra' field if the following is not acceptable). *: Add additional xref table for derivedfrom tickets references. *: Preserve derivedfrom field as entered in webform for further display. *: Scan derived from field for any number or #number which hasn't been prefixed or sufixed with letters. Store these references in the new xref table. *: Use xref table to look up derived tickets for use in the ticket view #cacae5 701 new active 2007 Jun cpb 2007 Jun cpb 5 4 External tools should allow just URLs External tools allow admins to add new things to specific action menus. It would also be really handy if we could just add links to other services. webcvs, Subversion's webdav browser, gitweb, etc. CVSTrac is generally good, but more specialized apps are _often_ better at their specializations. This could be done just by calling =is_url()= on the command. We'd still do all the substitutions, then embed into the action menu as-is. #cacae5 572 new active 2006 Feb chorlya 2006 Feb chorlya 4 4 Few usability improvments to HTML markup It would be nice to tidy up our forms a bit. I'm thinking of adding taborder to few forms and adding =