Report cols sqlcode {link:rptview?rn=10 Recently changed and active tickets w/descriptions} white Color codes: #f2dcdc Active Bugs #e8e8bd Active Issues #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN CASE type WHEN 'code' THEN '#f2dcdc' ELSE '#e8e8bd' END WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status IN ('defer','review') THEN 'cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title', description AS '_Description', remarks AS '_Remarks' FROM ticket WHERE (changetime>now()-604800 OR status IN ('new','active')) ORDER BY tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=11 Recently changed and active tickets sorted by priority} white Color codes: #f2dcdc Active Bugs #e8e8bd Active Issues #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN CASE type WHEN 'code' THEN '#f2dcdc' ELSE '#e8e8bd' END WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status IN ('defer','review') THEN 'cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE (changetime>now()-604800 OR status IN ('new','active')) ORDER BY priority, tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=12 Tickets associated with a particular user} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE owner=aux('User',user()) OR assignedto=aux('User',user()) {link:rptview?rn=13 Check-ins by a single user within the past 30 days} SELECT cn as 'Change #', ldate(date) as 'Time', message as 'Comment' FROM chng WHERE date>=now()-2592000 AND user=option('User','SELECT id FROM user') ORDER BY date DESC {link:rptview?rn=14 Active tickets by priority} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') ORDER BY priority, tn {link:rptview?rn=15 Derived Tickets} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket where derivedfrom is not null {link:rptview?rn=17 Date of last change for all wiki pages} SELECT name as 'Name', ldate(max(-invtime)) as 'Date Modified' FROM wiki GROUP BY name ORDER BY max(-invtime) {link:rptview?rn=2 All active tickets} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') {link:rptview?rn=20 Active tickets} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status='active' ORDER BY tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=21 Unfixed Code Defects} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') AND type='code' ORDER BY tn {link:rptview?rn=22 Unimplemented Enhancement Requests} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') AND type='new' ORDER BY tn {link:rptview?rn=28 All Tickets including closed} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' WHEN status='closed' THEN '#c8c8c8' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket {link:rptview?rn=3 All unclosed tickets} white Status color codes: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8bd Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status!='closed' {link:rptview?rn=34 All Tickets by Status} #ff00ff Key: #eeeeee New #f2dcdc Active #e8e8bd Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bdefd6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status='new' THEN '#eeeeee' WHEN status='active' THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket ORDER BY status {link:rptview?rn=38 Check-ins by a any user within the past 60 days} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8bd Review #cfe8bd Comment SELECT cn as 'Change #', user as "By", ldate(date) as 'Time', message as 'Comment' FROM chng WHERE datenow()-604800 AND status IN ('fixed','tested')) ORDER BY tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=42 Priority ONE tickets} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE ( priority IN ('1') AND status IN ('new','active') ) ORDER BY severity, tn {link:rptview?rn=45 all closed tickets} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status ='closed' {link:rptview?rn=46 Active tickets grouped and ordered} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') GROUP BY type ORDER BY priority {link:rptview?rn=48 Summary} SELECT assignedto AS 'Programmer', count(case when status='new' OR status='active' then 'x' end) AS 'Open', count(case when status='fixed' then 'x' end) AS 'Resolved', count(case when status='closed' then 'x' end) AS 'Closed', count(case when status NOT IN ('new','active','fixed','closed') then 'x' end) AS 'Other', count(*) AS 'Total' FROM ticket GROUP BY assignedto ORDER BY [assignedto] {link:rptview?rn=51 Active tickets by change date} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title', description as 'Opis' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') ORDER BY changetime ASC, tn {link:rptview?rn=61 jan's Search for a ticket number} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE tn=aux('tn', null) {link:rptview?rn=63 Showstoppers} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title', description AS '_Description', remarks AS '_Remarks' FROM ticket WHERE ( priority IN ('1','2') AND status IN ('new','review','defer','active') ) ORDER BY severity, tn {link:rptview?rn=64 Milestones} SELECT cn AS 'Cn', milestone AS 'Type', sdate(date) AS 'Created', user AS 'By', message AS 'Log' FROM chng WHERE milestone <> 0 {link:rptview?rn=65 Database Tables} select * from SQLITE_MASTER where type = 'table' order by name {link:rptview?rn=66 Open Tickets with Attachments} SELECT AS '#', ticket.status AS 'State', attachment.fname AS 'File', ticket.title AS 'Title' FROM ticket, attachment WHERE ticket.status IN ('new','active') AND {link:rptview?rn=67 Changed tickets couple days ago} white Color codes: #f2dcdc Active Bugs #e8e8bd Active Issues #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN CASE type WHEN 'code' THEN '#f2dcdc' ELSE '#e8e8bd' END WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status IN ('defer','review') THEN 'cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE changetime>now()-aux('Days',7)*24*60*60*10 ORDER BY tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=68 Copy Of Active tickets} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c2c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status='active' and type like aux('type','%') ORDER BY tn DESC {link:rptview?rn=69 Tickets I need to work on} #ffffff Key: #ffaa99 New #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred SELECT CASE WHEN t.status='new' THEN '#ffaa99' WHEN t.status='active' THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN t.status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN t.status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' ELSE '#cacae5' END as 'bgcolor', AS '#', e.value AS 'Type', t.status AS 'Status', sdate(t.origtime) AS 'Created', t.owner AS 'By', t.subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(t.changetime) AS 'Changed', t.assignedto AS 'Assigned', t.severity AS 'Svr', t.priority AS 'Pri', t.title AS 'Title' FROM enums e, ticket t WHERE e.type='type' AND AND t.status NOT IN ('fixed','closed') AND t.assignedto=user() ORDER BY t.priority, t.severity, t.origtime {link:rptview?rn=7 Ticket counts by status} SELECT status, count(case when type='code' then 'x' end), count(case when type='doc' then 'x' end), count(case when type='new' then 'x' end), count(case when type NOT IN ('code','doc','new') then 'x' end), count(*) FROM ticket GROUP BY status UNION SELECT 'TOTAL' AS 'Status', count(case when type='code' then 'x' end) as 'Code Bugs', count(case when type='doc' then 'x' end) as 'Doc Bugs', count(case when type='new' then 'x' end) as 'Enhancements', count(case when type NOT IN ('code','doc','new') then 'x' end) as 'Other', count(*) AS 'All Types' FROM ticket ORDER BY [All Types] {link:rptview?rn=70 Wiki Search} SELECT name AS 'Name', sdate(-invtime) AS 'When', who AS 'Who', ipaddr AS 'IP' FROM wiki WHERE text LIKE '%' || aux('Search') || '%' ORDER by invtime {link:rptview?rn=71 Branches} SELECT branch FROM chng WHERE branch!='' GROUP BY branch {link:rptview?rn=72 Milestones} SELECT cn AS 'Ms', CASE milestone WHEN 1 THEN 'Release' WHEN 2 THEN 'Event' ELSE 'Unknown' END as 'Type', user AS 'By', directory AS 'In', message AS 'Message' FROM chng WHERE milestone>0 ORDER by date DESC {link:rptview?rn=73 Teste do Carmo} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket {link:rptview?rn=74 Copy Of Check-ins by a single user within the past 30 days} SELECT * FROM chng WHERE date>=now()-2592000 AND user=option('User','SELECT id FROM user') ORDER BY date DESC {link:rptview?rn=75 Users} SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id {link:rptview?rn=76 Version of the SQLite Database Engine in use.} SELECT sqlite_version() {link:rptview?rn=77 Ticket History} SELECT tn AS '#', user AS 'User', sdate(chngtime) AS 'Change Time', fieldid AS 'Field ID', oldval AS 'Old', newval AS 'New' FROM tktchng WHERE tn=aux('Ticket','1') {link:rptview?rn=78 Check-ins since...} SELECT cn as 'Change #', user as "By", ldate(date) as 'Time', message as 'Comment' FROM chng WHERE cn >= aux("Checkin") ORDER BY cn DESC {link:rptview?rn=79 show table content} SELECT * from enums {link:rptview?rn=8 All active tickets w/descriptions} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title', description AS '_Description', remarks AS '_Remarks' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') {link:rptview?rn=82 Report SQL Examples} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed select wiki( '{link:rptview?rn=' || rn || ' ' || title || '}' ) as Report, cols , sqlcode from reportfmt {link:rptview?rn=83 Check-ins by a single user} SELECT chng(cn) as 'Change #', ldate(date) as 'Time', message as 'Comment' FROM chng WHERE user=option('User','SELECT id FROM user') ORDER BY date DESC {link:rptview?rn=84 GitTrac tickets} #ffffff Key: #f2dcdc Active #e8e8e8 Review #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN status='review' THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status='defer' THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END AS 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE subsystem='gittrac' {link:rptview?rn=85 Active tickets of mine by priority} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE status IN ('new','active') AND assignedto = user() ORDER BY priority, tn {link:rptview?rn=86 All tickets of mine by priority} white Priority color codes: #f2dcdc 1 #e8e8bd 2 #cfe8bd 3 #cacae5 4 #c8c8c8 5 SELECT CASE priority WHEN 1 THEN '#f2dcdc' WHEN 2 THEN '#e8e8bd' WHEN 3 THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN 4 THEN '#cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE assignedto = user() ORDER BY priority, tn {link:rptview?rn=9 Recently changed and active tickets} white Color codes: #f2dcdc Active Bugs #e8e8bd Active Issues #cfe8bd Fixed #bde5d6 Tested #cacae5 Deferred #c8c8c8 Closed SELECT CASE WHEN status IN ('new','active') THEN CASE type WHEN 'code' THEN '#f2dcdc' ELSE '#e8e8bd' END WHEN status='fixed' THEN '#cfe8bd' WHEN status='tested' THEN '#bde5d6' WHEN status IN ('defer','review') THEN 'cacae5' ELSE '#c8c8c8' END as 'bgcolor', tn AS '#', type AS 'Type', status AS 'Status', sdate(origtime) AS 'Created', owner AS 'By', subsystem AS 'Subsys', sdate(changetime) AS 'Changed', assignedto AS 'Assigned', severity AS 'Svr', priority AS 'Pri', title AS 'Title' FROM ticket WHERE (changetime>now()-604800 OR status IN ('new','active')) ORDER BY tn DESC