**Custom Markup Cookbook** This is just a rough idea of things that can be done via the custom markup functionality of #301. It's be a work in progress. *HTML Markup Shortcuts* Rather than having to do things like {quote:text}, you can define markups as shortcuts (the HTML would go in the custom formatter section): *: {quote:{big: big text}} using {quote:%k %a} *: {quote:{small: small text}} using {quote:%k %a} *: {quote:{strike: striked text}} using {quote:%k %a} *Emulating Other Wikis* Many other Wiki styles implement something like [wiki:page description]. This can be easily done with a {quote:{wiki: page description}} markup using as a formatter {quote:%a}. Want a link into the CVS repository without a cumbersome URL? {quote:{getfile cvstrac/main.c}} with {quote:%k}. *External Resources* Most external resources will simply be markups as convenient links. The advantage of using a custom markup rather than {quote:{link:}} markups or straight HTML is that if a service changes, you only have to change the custom markup. CPAN module? {quote: {cpan: module}} using {quote:%k}. An external resource section wouldn't be complete without {quote:{google: search terms}} with {quote:%k %a}.