**Upgrading CVSTrac** As a general rule, upgrading a version of CVSTrac is a simple matter of installing the new binary. Any changes to the underlying database schema will take effect when the database is next touched by the application. When upgrading CVSTrac, it's strongly recommended that you back up the database. Copying it is usually quite adequate. *Documentation* Changes to the default wiki documentation are not automatically updated. This can be done manually by invoking: cvstrac wikiinit After a wiki update, you may need to examine the default set of wiki pages since any local versions will be replaced by the new ones. You may, of course, diff the revisions and delete anything you don't like. *1.1.5 to 1.2+* Due to some changes in the schema, a fairly intensive query is run during this upgrade which may take several minutes. If done during a browser query, the browser may timeout. It's not a bad idea to force the change from the command-line using: cvstrac update *1.2.1+* As of [661], CVSTrac is being run against {link: http://www.sqlite.org/version3.html SQLite version 3} rather than 2. SQLite 3 will not directly handle SQLite 2 database files. In order to upgrade the database to SQLite 3, ensure that the command-line tools =sqlite= and =sqlite3= are both available and run: mv .db _2.db sqlite _2.db .dump | sqlite3 .db Note that the _newly_ upgraded database will not work with older CVSTrac binaries.{linebreak} Also note that at this time CVSTrac won't run against SQLite 3.3.x versions. You must use {link: http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.2.8.tar.gz 3.2.8} or some older version of SQLite3.