Tickets can be deleted under the following circumstances: *: The Setup user can delete any ticket at any time. *: If a ticket was created by anonymous within the previous 24 hours and has not been changed by any user other than anonymous, then registered users with the Delete privilege can delete the ticket. *: Anonymous users can never delete a ticket, even if they have the Delete privilege. To delete a ticket, select the [Edit] hyperlink. A "Delete" button will appear at the bottom of this page. Press the button to go to a confirmation screen. The most recent change to a ticket can be undone under these circumstances: *: The Setup user can undo the last change at any time. *: Registered users (users other than anonymous) can undo the last change if they are the person who made the last change and the change was made within the previous 24 hours. *: Registered users with the Delete privilege can undo changes by the anonymous user that were made within the previous 24 hours. To undo a change to a ticket, view the ticket change history. A hyperlink in the history will allow the change to be undone. There is no confirmation screen when undoing a ticket change. There is no redo button. See also: DeleteWiki and DeleteAttachment.