**SvnTrac** CVSTrac's CVS repository now has support (via ScmTrac) for using Subversion as a SCM repository backend. #278 and #445 contain most of the details and discussion. Most of the code was written by Nemanja Corlija with infrastructure support by _cpb_. It seems stable, functional and largely feature complete. In terms of performance, it's still quite a bit slower than CVS. Installation and configuration works about the same as with CVS. In fact, you'll have to work around a lot of references to CVS and CVSROOT and such until we get a chance to properly update the various web pages. *Installing* *: DownloadCvstrac from CVS *: build CVSTrac, following the {link: /cvstrac/getfile/cvstrac/COMPILING COMPILING} instructions *: build SvnTrac: make APPNAME=svntrac all *: You now have a _svntrac_ executable. Copy to wherever you want. *Configuration* *: Initialize the database: svntrac init /path/to/repository *: Start the server: svntrac server 8008 /path/to/repository *: Point your browser to http://localhost:8008/ *: Log in as *setup/setup* and configure. As with CVSTrac, you'll need to configure the repository path and reread the repository. Note that this takes a long time (i.e. I get about 200 revisions/minute) and your browser may time out. *: Your done. Use it like any other CVSTrac installation *Notes* *: As with CVS, the Subversion support _does not_ attempt to alter the repository itself. That means you should be able to safely play around without trashing your data. *: SvnTrac checkin numbers are identical to the Subversion revisions. You'll find this very convenient. *: The Browse functionality follows Subversion practice for branching and tagging. That is, where in CVS all branches and tags are associated with a particular file, in Subversion they're separate trees. This shouldn't bother Subversion users. *: SvnTrac was the logical naming choice. Unfortunately, this was also the original name of the {link:http://www.edgewall.com/trac/ Trac} project. Don't confuse the two. *: No attempt has been made to migrate from CVS/CVSTrac to Subversion/SvnTrac. It might be possible to migrate tickets and reports, but associations between wikis, tickets and checkins could be confused unless {link: http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/ cvs2svn} gets really lucky.