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CVSTrac is selfhosting. The same server also hosts the following projects:

A google search turns up and

Ralf S. Engelschall is running the popular Open Source software projects OpenPKG, OSSP and OpenSSL off of CVSTrac at:

The CompSci sysadmins at Adelaide University, South Australia, are using CVSTrac (internally) for keeping track of issues and documenting systems and procedures.

SARBayes runs a CVSTrac+wiki for SORAL (SARBayes optimal resource allocation library)

The Monash Data Mining Centre or {link: Monash Computer Science & Software Engineering} host several projects on CVSTrac:

*: {link: CaMML} (MML-based learning of causal models} *: {link: Snob-Vanilla} (MML-based clustering) *: {link: MLtools} (Machine learning add-ons for Weka) *: {link: Causal Reckoner} (Bayes net viewer with interventions)

pfSense seems to be the most up-to-date public CVSTrac deployment.

That's funny: the "link:" lines above don't work. Presumably because the long URL induces a linewrap in the editor?